If a consumer carries a balance on their credit card beyond a single billing cycle, they will be charged for it. This is called a finance charge and is associated with the APR on the consumer's account. The amount charged will be affected by the card's APR, how the card was used Cheap Billy Price Jersey , and how much was charged. It is important to know that rates, even on Low Interest Credit Cards, vary according to how a credit card is used Cheap Tyler Kroft Jersey , so a new purchase will have a different APR than a cash advance or balance transfer.
Credit cards can be a bit overwhelming, and the fees associated with them are understood by very few people who use them. This can be dangerous can lead some people into a debt spiral that can be very difficult to get out of. Although creditors should be clearer when presenting their services, it is the consumer's responsibility to do the necessary research before entering in to any kind of financial agreement. One of the more confusing aspects of credit cards is how interest is calculated.
The two most common methods of calculating credit card interest are:
聲 The Two Cycle Average 聲 The Average Daily Balance
The Two Cycle Average:
This is the most common method used to calculate credit card interest Cheap Jake Fisher Jersey , and not surprisingly it is the most complicated. Interest is calculated by taking an average of the amount charged to an account by the number of days in the current and previous billing cycle.
A good example would be if during the current billing cycle, the consumer has $500.00 carried over from the previous cycle, and the interest rate of the credit card in question is only 11%. For purposes of this example say the card holder only pays $100.00 on their account.
If the two cycle average daily balance is used Cheap Cedric Ogbuehi Jersey , the consumer must average the current balance, as well as the previous balance and take a daily average. One way to look at it is this:
(Previous Balance + Current Balance) Two Billing Cycles * 30 = (Amount Applied to Interest)* APR
Using the above figures for our consumer, and assuming both billing cycles are 30 days in length Cheap Josh Malone Jersey , we get:
($1000.00 + $500.00) 60 *30 = $750.00.
The consumer would be paying interest on $750.00 instead of the current balance of $500.00. This means a higher interest payment, and it is clear this method favors the creditor.
Average Daily Balance:
This method averages the amount charged for new purchases over the number of days in a particular billing cycle. An example would be if a consumer purchased a chair for $400.00, then the next week purchased a meal for %25.00. If no additional purchases were made during the current billing cycle Cheap Carl Lawson Jersey , the average daily balance would be $14.17. This should mean that it doesn't matter if you make a purchase on the first or last day of a billing cycle, the amount pain in interest is the same.
The best way to maximize the value of any credit card is to not carry a balance, but of course this is not always possible. Only carry a balance when you must Cheap Jordan Willis Jersey , and then only for as long as absolutely necessary.
Muscle dystrophy is an inherited disease where the muscles which usually control the body are weakened. If it becomes even severe, the functioning of the heart will also get affected due to this muscle dystrophy. There is no particular age for this muscle dystrophy. Starting from adolescence age to middle age or even old age people may develop this disease. The age of a person plays an important part in determing the severity of this disease.
There are specific types of muscular dystrophy that affects the only male. There are some people who enjoy the normal lifestyle with mild symptoms, and there are some who experience severe weakness in the muscles leading to death also. Muscle dystrophy cure in Ayurveda is very effective when compared to conventional medication.
Types of Muscle Dystrophy The muscle dystrophy can be classified as nine major forms 鈥?Duchenne 鈥?Myotonic 鈥?Becker 鈥?Limb-Girdle 鈥?Congenital 鈥?Facioscapulohumeral 鈥?Distal 鈥?Oculopharyngeal 鈥?Emery-Dreifuss
Main Causes of Muscle Dystrophy The muscle dystrophy is mainly caused due to the defects in certain genes. The abnormal genes present in the human body may lead to Duchenne muscle dystrophy. The dystrophin protein associated with the gene is very important for the body and the absence of this gene leads to Duchenne muscular dystrophy. The high mutation rate results in Becker dystrophy
Other forms of muscle dystrophy are caused due to various reasons Cheap Nick Vigil Jersey , and the researchers are still exploring them.
Diagnosis of Muscle Dystrophy Muscle dystrophy is diagnosed with the help of a muscle biopsy. The doctors go through the family's health information of the patient in order to know the cause of this dystrophy. In most of the situations, the muscle dystrophy is hereditary. But there are cases where none of the patient's family members were troubled with this situation.
Treatment for Muscle Dystrophy When it comes to conventional treatment, one won鈥檛 be able to find a proper medication or solution for this muscle dystrophy. This is the reason why most of the people are approaching the ayurvedic treatment. The muscle dystrophy cure in Ayurveda has a holistic approach by involving the diet Cheap Joe Mixon Jersey , herbs and various exercises.